God has entrusted a sacred and humbling charge to place their needs behind a child's, no strings attached and offering unconditional love. It is to those who are given the title "mom."
I can’t express my feelings adequately when I say that I love my mom and that her life is an inspiration to me. I know she loves all of us kids more than we even realize. I know my mom wishes she could do some things differently and I am only beginning to learn just how difficult her job was (and still is). Nevertheless, I know we serve a God that can take our human errors and weave it into something He can ultimately use for good.
For those of you who know me well it is probably hard to believe I can be speechless. However, when it comes to my family and in this case my mom, I never know where to begin or how to accurately say what my heart wishes to convey. Now a mom myself I have a new respect and a now growing bitter sweet understanding of just what it must be like to watch your children grow up and start families of their own. I'm grateful I didn't realize just how much I was missing when I was living so far from my mom and dad. I hope I never to take for granted the little things now that they live near us.
I know there are probably many of you who feel similarly about their mom but trust me, my mom's the best! Come on, admit it – she puts up with me! And for any of you thinking you have the best mother-in-law, you can give that up as well because I've got that covered too! Happy Mother's Day Eileen!
Let me close this with a prayer I found when I was looking for something that could help me express the love and appreciation I have for my mom.
today we pray for mothers--
our own mothers, and mothers everywhere,
who have made such a major contribution
to the good qualities we have,
sometimes through genetics,
more often through great effort and patient instruction,
and who have done their best
to gently polish away our rough edges.
Lord, please bless our mothers
for the endless hours of time they spent
and the boundless energy they invested in us.
Bless our mothers for their sacrifices on our behalf
as they often gave up or deferred their own dreams
so that we could have ours.
Bless our mothers for always being there for us,
for being the person we know we can turn to
when we need comfort, encouragement, or just a hug.
Bless our mothers for making a home for us
where we could feel safe, where we felt we belonged.
Most of all, Lord,
bless our mothers for their unconditional love,
for loving us no matter what,
and for frequently showing love
in ways that make us feel valued and cherished.
Lord, please bless our mothers mightily.
Strengthen them, soothe them,
wrap them in Your infinite love
and shower them with blessings
too numerous to count, too magnificent to describe.
We love them, admire them, respect them,
and we wish that You would give them back
many times the good they gave to us.
In Jesus' name we pray; Amen.
By Joanna Fuchs
To all the moms reading this I wish you a very...
Happy Mother's Day!!
Thank you, Brittany!! I know I have the best 'daughters' -all 4 of you- in the world!
lov ya, 'mom'
It is easy to be a good mom when you have the kids I have. Thanks for making me laugh and cry all at once. I love you. Mom
P.S. Britt hasn't lost her mind, that is one of my very favorite songs. Crank up the sound and ROCK!
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