MN GOP State Convention 2010

WELCOME to an odd mixture of Posts, Links and Videos on topics such as Family, Music, Religion, Current Events, Politics, etc. and all with my humor mixed in. And trust me, I'm verrrry funny.

I hope we engage in great conversations about all kinds of topics. So, don't hold back with your comments. (Unless you don't think I'm funny. In which case I highly suggest you reevaluate your position.)

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jesus Went to Hell and I Hate Religion

I hope I have your attention because if you read no other post I hope you read this one.

Personally I believe we have screwed up so much of Christ's message and "organized religion" is often so hypocritical, watered down and politically correct it is doing more harm then good. We need to fellowship together but as God intended when He spoke of it in the Bible. My opinion on how to have eternal life instead of's simple. In fact, if it's complicated it isn't what God taught. All we have to do is simply ask for forgiveness and repent of those things that lead us away from Christ and instead work to fulfill His Word in our lives each day.

Forget religion, forget church, forget all of it. This Easter take just ONE MOMENT alone and take an honest account of your life and beliefs. God said being a good person isn't what He asks. A lot of good people will be among those that will go to Hell. Not because God is mean, but only because of their own choice to reject a life founded on Christ and the Bible. No one said it's ever fully attainable. Only Christ was able to achieve that but our job is to try each day and when we fail, ask forgiveness, repent and get back up again. God doesn't force Himself upon us just as He doesn't intervene every time we would like in our lives. Free will means we take the good with the painful.

And having vast Biblical knowledge or being a Christian leader, holding a pastoral position, etc. won't cut it either. There will be plenty of those in Hell too. In fact those in Christian leadership are held to a higher standard as they are in a position to either teach the full Truth of God's Word or not. They are not if they water it down, ignore those pesky tough issues and perhaps focus only on the happy parts. There is no in between in God's eyes and they are held responsible for how they lead those in their care. Are they leading them towards Christ or are they actually leading them away from Him?

Jesus wasn't Presbyterian, Methodist, Catholic, Evangelical, etc. etc. We made those groups. So while the Bible does teach the importance of fellowship with other believers it doesn't mean you have to pick a "group" or "denomination" to belong to. It is important to find a Bible believing church that isn't afraid to speak the Truth as written in God's Word. This is especially vital in areas where Christians are persecuted for their beliefs and these days it could just as easily happen to you. But asking God for salvation is simple. Living as Christ calls us to live is an ongoing journey and one that won't always be easy but will always be worth it.

Do you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross? Do you believe He went to Hell and rose again in order to forgive us of our sins? Do you believe this is the only way for us to stand before God forgiven and free when we die, rather than condemned to Hell? If not, please ask yourself why?

There is a way to really know and if you want the answer all you have to do is honestly 100% give your life to Christ and do your very best to follow His Word each day. If after six months nothing has changed your original belief, then you haven't really lost anything. However, if it has then just think of what you almost missed out on but have now gained.

I can promise you will never regret it.

From our family to yours, have a happy and blessed Easter!




Coming soon: pictures of the kids!!

Pictures (from before the kids ruled our home)

One Last Thought From Me

Why not remember this act of love and sacrifice daily rather than just at Easter? Yes, this event is an indescribably joyous one because Jesus did rise from the dead but we should never forget how and why He suffered unimaginably before defeating Death and Hell itself on our behalf. He did so while thinking of you and me. In doing so he personally took on our sin, our pain and a debt we could not pay in order to provide a way to complete forgiveness and redemption. The truth is, either way death is not the end and being a “good person” isn’t a substitution for being truly forgiven.

God tells us that by simply believing Jesus rose from the dead, confessing and turning away from our sin and making the Bible the true foundation of our life, we will be forgiven for our sins and live eternally in Heaven.

As you may know, I am far from perfect and if you have doubts about that I’m sure you can find a multitude of people who can confirm that. I have made countless mistakes and bad judgments and will again in the future despite my best intentions. It is because of this that I am exceedingly thankful I can go directly to God and ask for help, ask for forgiveness and know that God's mercy is new every morning as I continually work to keep my foundation on God's Word. Truly accepting God's love, mercy and a true freedom offered in a life firmly anchored in His Word is something there simply aren't words to describe.

I have to admit that I regularly take that for granted and listening to the words in a song like “Via Dolorosa” is one way to help remind me of the sacrifice Jesus made on that cross. Deciding to live for Christ was without a doubt the best decision I made in my life. Don’t get me wrong, it didn’t solve all my problems and make my life perfect. But I have a peace and hope only God can offer and I know in God’s eyes He sees a child forgiven rather than condemned. Now that I am a parent I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like for God to watch His children exercise their free will when they chose to reject Him rather than embrace the salvation He offers each of us.

Regardless of your feelings on God and Jesus I hope you enjoy the power of the images and music I posted. And thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts about what can be a very sensitive issue.

Via Dolorosa (Latin for Sorrowful Road)

Countdown to Election Day 2012