MN GOP State Convention 2010

WELCOME to an odd mixture of Posts, Links and Videos on topics such as Family, Music, Religion, Current Events, Politics, etc. and all with my humor mixed in. And trust me, I'm verrrry funny.

I hope we engage in great conversations about all kinds of topics. So, don't hold back with your comments. (Unless you don't think I'm funny. In which case I highly suggest you reevaluate your position.)

Don't miss out on some great posts in the "Blog Archive" section located at the bottom of the current posts. Enjoy and please feel free to leave comments! If needed instructions on how to leave a comment are listed in the left hand column.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Contrast in Symbolism and Eco-hypocrisy?

I'd love to know what your thoughts are on this post...

Part 1: A Contrast in Symbolism

The “jacket at all times to respect the dignity of the Oval Office” was one of President Ronald Reagan’s rules that President George W. Bush adopted and strictly adhered to after the Clinton era in order to help “set the right tone.”

You know, I think you can make a perfectly good argument as to why this is not really an important issue. However, I think symbolism and respect trumps those arguments in this case. Everything about the Presidency is symbolic in one way or another. Unfortunately, President Obama is definitely sending a symbolic message. Too bad it is not a very respectful one. I hope this is not a sign of things to come. The Presidency is bigger and more important than any one man. I appreciated the proper respect shown in the past and do not appreciate the “change” I am seeing on his first day in our Oval Office.

Part 2: Eco-hypocrisy? You make the call.

A few links worth checking out... and will help explain the pictures posted above of President Carter and a Snuggie Ad.

First let's start with one containing a quote from President Obama himself on the campaign trail...

The Age of Obama: Heat for me, but not for thee

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Change We Can Believe In?

Ok, so there are a lot more issues than just the issue of life. However, I thought this was an article worth sharing and a good way to introduce the new leader of the Republican Party. Personally I hold no allegiance to a party. Rather I adhere to basic principles. Nevertheless, in this political climate I hope this is a good sign. This is a chance to get the RNC back to the conservative foundation that will succeed if they are willing to fight for the pricinples we concervatives believe in. We shall see.

The Republican National Committee has just chosen a new leader for their party - Michael Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland. He is the first African-American to hold this position.

The party’s current platform includes the strongest pro-life language ever seen:

“We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.”

So how do the views of the new RNC chair match up to the party platform?


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Please tell me she doesn't really expect us to take her quote seriously...does she?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A simple pictorial/mathmatic rendering of the current "Stimulus Package" in congress.

Click the link for Michelle Malkin's article:

GOP holds the line: 244-188. This crap sandwich is all yours, Dems

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hip Hop Like You've Never Seen...

Here is the information they provide to explain their video:

This was the opening video for our Student Fall Retreat called "You've Got Talent." Everyone is asking what inspired this. Here is goes... 1) We needed a great opening video that caught everyone off guard, and set the the tone for the weekend. 2) With this idea in mind, we thought we could use this video as a great object lesson about media choices (kinda creepy hearing your grandparents sing some of this), and 3) this has been a GREAT transgenerational culture experiment. It has totally bridged a gap with our Senior adults and our students. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thank You Mr. President.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

That's the man I am honored to say I worked for.

I have several major complaints and issues with some policies and decisions made over the last eight years. However, I am proud to have supported him.

An honorable man, far from perfect, but a genuine and classy man said farewell to the nation tonight.

It is worth watching if you missed it.
Click Here for the link.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Rating System for President-elect Obama

I just can't handle listening to him and feel it is in the public's best interest to provide full disclosure to those who may not know what is coming when he speaks.

Therefore, I have initiated the rating as shown to the left and described below.

TV-MA (intended for mature audiences) Programs that carry a TV-MA rating are not for anyone under the age of 17. The program may contain extreme graphic violence, strong profanity, overt explicit sexual dialogue, very bad language, nudity and/or strong sexual content.

Allow me to explain my rating:

1) Extreme graphic violence - what he wants to do to our economy and culture and what he is doing to his lungs (see Attachment A)
2) Strong profanity - When he uses his middle name "Hussein" - oh wait, that's only offensive if a Republican/conservative/etc. says it...never mind.
3) Overt explicit sexual dialogue - n/a
4) Very bad language - How he describes our current economic situation and military issues.
5) Nudity and/or strong sexual content - (See Attachment B)

Attachment A:

Attachment B:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wow. What can I say...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated today that, “Norm Coleman will never ever serve [again] in the Senate,” “He lost the election. He can stall things, but he'll never serve in the Senate.”


Coming soon: pictures of the kids!!

Pictures (from before the kids ruled our home)

One Last Thought From Me

Why not remember this act of love and sacrifice daily rather than just at Easter? Yes, this event is an indescribably joyous one because Jesus did rise from the dead but we should never forget how and why He suffered unimaginably before defeating Death and Hell itself on our behalf. He did so while thinking of you and me. In doing so he personally took on our sin, our pain and a debt we could not pay in order to provide a way to complete forgiveness and redemption. The truth is, either way death is not the end and being a “good person” isn’t a substitution for being truly forgiven.

God tells us that by simply believing Jesus rose from the dead, confessing and turning away from our sin and making the Bible the true foundation of our life, we will be forgiven for our sins and live eternally in Heaven.

As you may know, I am far from perfect and if you have doubts about that I’m sure you can find a multitude of people who can confirm that. I have made countless mistakes and bad judgments and will again in the future despite my best intentions. It is because of this that I am exceedingly thankful I can go directly to God and ask for help, ask for forgiveness and know that God's mercy is new every morning as I continually work to keep my foundation on God's Word. Truly accepting God's love, mercy and a true freedom offered in a life firmly anchored in His Word is something there simply aren't words to describe.

I have to admit that I regularly take that for granted and listening to the words in a song like “Via Dolorosa” is one way to help remind me of the sacrifice Jesus made on that cross. Deciding to live for Christ was without a doubt the best decision I made in my life. Don’t get me wrong, it didn’t solve all my problems and make my life perfect. But I have a peace and hope only God can offer and I know in God’s eyes He sees a child forgiven rather than condemned. Now that I am a parent I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like for God to watch His children exercise their free will when they chose to reject Him rather than embrace the salvation He offers each of us.

Regardless of your feelings on God and Jesus I hope you enjoy the power of the images and music I posted. And thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts about what can be a very sensitive issue.

Via Dolorosa (Latin for Sorrowful Road)

Countdown to Election Day 2012